Friday, June 18, 2010

Life is so evasive

Sitting back after two funerals in a row, i wonder, what went on within me going through the events!

One that was on Wednesday, was a person of 58... when everyone still expected the person to be active and keep contributing, when the person was actually doing a lot, really a lot... the sudden demise was a shock! It was a sad sight to see the aged mother sitting beside her still daughter, tears flowing unceasingly.
The one on Thursday was of a person of 78… though could be considered aged, the events had taken place too fast in a row, that it seemed incredible that he was no more. His two brothers both elder by 7 and more years, were there mourning for him, as the numerous young grand nephews and nieces groaned with the pain of separation.
As I looked at these two, lying in their coffins and much more as they were being lowered into that pit and the mud buried them under… I wondered how evasive life was! Today I am alive, and tomorrow, who knows what? How true it is when the Psalms instruct us, When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing” (Ps 146:4)
What happens to all that I think I am, what happens to what I wish to accomplish and what I long to achieve. Lord, where is my life? In the things that I hold on to today? In the things that matter to me today? In things yet to come? In things that have already come to pass? Oh how evasive life is!!!


Martin S said...

This has been also my thought. Man cannot win over death. In Chemistry, we speak of that "Orderliness is actually unstable. Disorderliness is stable. Increase of Disorderliness implies increase of Stability. Everything spontaneously move towards disorderliness/destruction." I am not very sure whether I explain the concept really well. But, this is what I understand and I believe it is right. To explain with an example: wood cannot by itself become a chair. It spontaneous movement is to remain the same and to disintegrate slowly as the time pass by. Only the man forces a chair (ORDER) out of the wood (non-spontaneous). In every step it tries to come to disorderliness and to disintegrate. The Chair cannot remain the same forever.

chris said...

hey martin..look at your comment..some time ago..hope that philosophical note is turning slowly theological... hoping to see you doing wonders in lives of many... and wishing to be part of it someway, someday!!!

Martin S said...

Great to be reminded of something that I posted two years back.... thank you for your wishes.

chris said...

I would not mind reminding you again dear Martin...but you cannot anymore receive that reminder from me! What happened man!?! I am totally at a loss for words...eyes well up! Adieu!