Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Spirit of power, love and self control

Remembering St. Justin Martyr: 1st June 2016
2 Tim 1:1-3,6-12; Mk 12:18-27

We are given the Spirit of power and love and self control, not a spirit of timidity! A spirit of negativity reigns in the world today, a spirit of vendetta and a spirit of exploitation is seen prevalent everywhere. The Word invites us today to take a look at the Spirit with which we are filled as true sons and daughters of God. Are we going to be lost in the spirit of  negativity and squander our lives finding fault with others all the time? Are we going to be pessimistic about everything that is happening around and start lamenting our times? Or are we going to stick our heads out, gird our shoulders and get ourselves ready to live our life to the full without wasting our time in criticism and judgments on others!