Tuesday, June 9, 2015

WORD 2day: 9th June, 2015

Salt, Light and an Yes!

Tuesday,  10th week in Ordinary Time
2 Cor 1: 18-22; Mt 5: 13-16

There is a close relationship between being salt, being light and saying an Yes to the Lord! To say Yes to the Lord means to be like the salt... totally dissolving oneself in the yes that is said, choosing to remain insignificant and hidden but making a difference in the entire reality! To say Yes to the Lord means to be like the light... remaining in your respect bright and burning, not counting the cost in melting yourself down or burning yourself up for the sake of the yes that you have given the Lord. The first reading places it plain and clear in front of us.

Jesus was never an yes and a no! He was always yes! And that is what he wants us to be - to entrust ourselves totally in the hands of God and be an yes always! That requires an enormous faith and relentless hope, filling us with a matchless love for God and God's ways.