Friday, June 8, 2018

A heart after His Heart!

A true Christian example!

9th June, 2018 - Memoria of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

Right after the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we celebrate the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is so fitting and impressive, because this makes yesterday's celebration a bit more profound and purposeful. With a pun on those words, we can very conveniently say this is the feast 'after the feast of Sacred heart' and Mary's heart is very much 'after the Heart of the heart of the Lord'. 

Just yesterday we reflected about the Sacred Heart... the heart affire, burning with love for us. At times we may miss the call that we have as disciples of Christ, to form ourselves after the heart of the Master. Mary is presented today not just as the Mother but also as a disciple, who followed her Lord to the full. Let us look at her heart, so beautifully formed after the heart of the Master's Heart!

1. After the Sacrificing Heart: The heart of Jesus, which burns itself in love for us. It gives of itself and never expects anything in return! How sacrificing is my love? Mary, right from the time she was chosen by God to be part of the Salvific plan, was totally dedicated to the Divine Intention. She gave herself up totally for our salvation. That is why some theologians even refer to her as a co-redemptrix!

2. After the Seeking Heart: The Love of Christ is a love that comes in search of us for our good! It is not a love that is ego-filled, self seeking, fulfillment of one's own cravings, as imagined today. How selfless is my love? Mary's heart was the same: seeking the other for their good - be it with regard it Elisabeth, be it in Cana or be it with the apostles after the crucifiction... she was there for their sakes!

3. After the Shining Heart: The heart of Christ shines forth, it shines to invite us to follow the model and is passionate filling this world with true love. Mary too did the same - she proclaimed the glory of the Lord, majesty of God! 

Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
Guide me and Lead me, 
to understand the burning heart of your Son
that I may live the same love, 
the same Sacrificing, Seeking and Shining Love in my life. Amen