Thursday, November 10, 2016

WORD 2day: 11th November, 2016

Love, and do what you want!

Friday, 32nd week in Ordinary Time
2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17: 26-37

It was reported yesterday in the news that after Mr. Trump was elected President of the US, one of the highest number of searches on google was 'the end of times'. People are constantly looking out for such things - the armaggedon, the end of the world, the third world war, the second coming etc. At times they query as to what would be the best way to prepare themselves towards these phenomena. The answer is simple... go on living your Christian life to the full. How do we live the Christian life to the full? Love!

Love! That is no new teaching. It is the summary of all teachings of Christ. There is almost nothing you can do when the end comes, whenever it comes! There is nothing special that you are expected to do too, that is why the time is not announced earlier. Live your daily life in love and peace, encounter people, share your joys, reduce misunderstandings, increase genuine relationships, laugh with those who laugh and weep with those who weep, forgive and accept, in short, LOVE! St. Augustine's words are a very pertinent lesson: love, and do what you wish!

WORD 2day: 10th November, 2016

The Reign of Brothers and Sisters

Thursday, 32nd week in Ordinary Time
Phlm 7-20; Lk 17: 20-25

The Reign of God is among you, reminds Jesus. This has been a revolutionary teaching of the Lord for ages, it has incited liberation movements and over thrown some inhuman systems. Today the reminder returns - to make present, to feel the presence and to accept the obligation presented to  us by the Reign of God in our day to day life. 

One of the responsibilities of the Reign is to look at everyone as brothers and sisters and not in terms of subject or as objects. Even if it is a servant or a slave, look at the person, accept the inherent dignity of the person and give them their due without grudging. Let go of divisive mentalities and competitive spirits, look at everyone as a co-passenger on this journey called life. There are moments when one gives and others when one receives. One is not better than the other; both are part of the same process. 

The Reign of God is here, begin to feel it, work to make it present and spread it in spirit through everything you are involved in.