Thursday, November 25, 2021

Never to pass away!

WORD 2day: Friday, last week in Ordinary time

November 26, 2021: Daniel 7: 2-14; Luke 21: 29-33

A pain reliever statement suggested by many in today's world is, 'this too will pass'. Specially these days battling against the pandemic, every one, whether he or she believes it or not, whether one is convinced of it or not, atleast as a hopeful wish, keeps repeating that mantra: 'this too shall pass'! But, though it may seem contrary, a more stronger promise is the recurring theme of today's Word; it is a reference to something that is here, never to pass away... the Lord's Word, the Lord's Reign, the Lord's sovereignty.

Things may appear to be going totally out of sway, or nothing may seem to be really under the control of anything that is spiritual... but never lose heart, God is incharge; God is in control. There are people who make statements about this pandemic, saying, we shall never return to what was 'normal'; even if we return to normal, it shall be a 'new normal'! As children of God, however bad the readings of the times is, we cannot be too anxious!

The Word speaks to our hearts today: your Saviour knows you and to the the Lord's Reign there is no end. Be firm in faith. Hold on to the One who has formed you, One who has called you and One who loves you infinitely - the One whose Words will never pass away; the One whose Reign shall never pass away, the One whose will shall never pass away...let your faith too never pass away.