Monday, September 25, 2017

Roused in the Spirit

WORD 2day: 25th September, 2017

Monday, 25th week in Ordinary Time
Ezra 1:1-6; Lk 8:16-18

Sentiments of hatred and violence is strewn all over the news these days. Every day we rise to newer and newer challenges against peaceful life on earth. Direct killings and terrorist fundamentalism on the one side; the hidden agenda and delirious deceptions on the other side, normal peace loving human being is forced to feel out of place today. 

Do not be worried dear sons and daughters of God, says the Word today. The Lord is in control. The Lord made use of an alien king Cyrus to raise God's dwelling and God's people - the same Lord is in control even today! 

All that children of God need to do today, is be roused in the Spirit - yes, be roused in the Spirit, share the Word more and more, speak the mercies of the Lord to everyone, set the world ablaze with the love of the True God. Only then you can be called people of God. 

Be children of God, be roused in the Spirit, be lights of the world, burn bright and help people see the Truth.