Saturday, July 16, 2016


The plotters' plight

Celebrating our blessed mother of Mount Carmel
16th July, 2016: Mic 2:1-5; Mt 12: 14-21

The common element on the two readings today is that of the plotters. Plotters are a common sight and have been so all the time. Right from original episodes of humanity as found in the Holy Word, we have this group of people making their mark. The serpent, Cain, Jacob, Joseph's brothers... and the list goes on. In spite of these great plots God has powerfully shown that God's mercies and love is always with the lowly, the humble,  the simple and the integral persons who not only make their mark but create history.

Celebrating the memory of our blessed mother we  are invited to behold how she shone in her life as a simple and humble person, defeating all plots even without her knowledge but with total surrender in the Lord.

None of the plotters have been protagonists of history as long as they remained so. All of them have been antagonists and they will be always considered so. The protagonists are always those who stand by God and suffer all these plots without giving way to doubt or despair. The plotters... woe to them says the Word.