Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy #7


Yet another element that stands out in the logo is the wounds of crucifixion that we see on the limbs of Christ. Why are the wounds there...are they used merely to identify that it is Christ? The halo and the cross on the head of that image would have done if it were so. The wounds have a slightly deeper significance, than merely to say it is Christ; they signify that it is the Risen Christ that we see there!

The Risen Lord used the wounds in his hands and feet and the side, to assure the disciples that it was he! Come touch my wounds and put your hand into my side, he invited Thomas. The message is the presence of the Risen Lord. We are not here looking at the historical Jesus who lived and moved those three years doing miracles, manifesting signs and doing enormous good to so many. No, we are thinking of the Lord who has promised us to be with us all the time, till the end of times. We are looking at the Lord who is there with us in every experience of ours, in doubts and difficulties, in trials and temptations, in sins and sufferings, he is there beside us, compassionately involved in our lives, infact equally living it himself. That is why we are on his shoulders, he is seeing us through all our situations. 

The call that we have is to feel, experience and trust in the continual presence of the Risen Lord, the promise of the never failing mercies of the Father.