Monday, June 5, 2017


June 6th, 2017 

That day:
Looking back at the 41 years...that day stands out as a day to be marked, to be marked for life...yes a day that defined the entire life style to be adapted.

The call:
The call that I have received is to live my everyday with God. The picture that I have chosen reminds me of the day and the call... first of all the water reminding of the baptismal font; the waves and the stillness reminding of the situations in life and the two firm and strong and the other a bit battered reminding me of the experiences that have been around in life. 

The reminder:
May the day remind me of the call that I have received, the privilege that I have, being related to the Lord and the challenge I have, to remain connected to the Lord on a daily basis.

A prayer on the day of Baptism:
O Lord, may I realise your grace that I have received in my baptism. May I always be mindful of your presence with me and within me, that I may become to all that very presence, adding glory to your name! You live and reign forever and ever.

WORD 2day: 5th June, 2017

Fruits cannot be forced

Monday, 9th week in Ordinary Time 
Tob 1:3 - 2: 1-8; Jn 12: 1-12

Tobit dares all consequences to be righteous in the eyes of the Lord. No king, no  threat,  no punishment could stop him from being faithful to the call that he believed he had from the Lord. Tobias learns from him. Just as fruits cannot be forced from a tree, faithfulness cannot be forced from a person. He or She will be faithful in as much as the  person is convinced about the call that he or she had received from the Lord.

Our life is a call and we are called to bear fruit, when we don't we are missing the point. Let's not wait to be forced to bear fruit, neither should we be pressurised not to. No fruit can be forced and no force can block authentic fruits.