Monday, January 18, 2016

WORD 2day : 19th January, 2016

The Blue-eyed of God
1 Samuel 16:1-13; Mk 2: 23-28

David is chosen over and above the rest of his brothers... all of them stronger and fitter. David proved so worthy of the choice. He loved God so much that God saw in him someone lovable. David could do anything because he knew he had won the special favour of God. Jesus seems to refer to that fact,  the fact that David was a blue-eyed boy of God and that we too can grow to be blue-eyed of God,  if we love God with all our heart, trust God with all our soul and surrender to God all our life.

WORD 2day : 18th January, 2016

Compromise Kills

2nd Monday in Ordinary Time
1 Sam 15:16-23; Mk 2: 18-22

Saul defends himself, 'did I not do what the Lord wanted me to? ' Yes, he did. But not the way the Lord wanted. He tried compromising with what the people wanted along with what God wanted. Jesus warns compromising kills... don't compromise with the old ways and the new, with what God wants and what the world wants! What one builds through small tough steps towards perfection can be pulled down in one simple compromise. Compromise Kills!