Monday, January 20, 2014

WORD 2day: 20th January, 2014

What matters is love and relationship!

The readings today present to us a few binaries... obedience-sacrifice; new wine - old wine; new wine skin - old skin... the message is clear: we have choices to make and each of those choices has its own consequences! New wine is not better than the old wine (ofcourse, those who are familiar with wine will know it better) but the new wine is "new" and needs a new skin that can hold it. If not, the nature of the new wine will pierce through the skin and spill out... wasting itself and tearing the skin. Christ's teaching invites us to a new outlook on the world, on relationships, on God, on faith, on our daily life and commitment -an outlook that is integral, holistic and complete. That which completes it is love - love for God and love for one's brothers and sisters! Ritualism and Legalism are decisively transcended by an understanding of our Christian life in terms of love and relationship!