Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Celebrating the Reign - the Joy of Relationships

THE WORD IN ADVENT - Third week  Thursday

December 21, 2023 -  Song of Songs 2: 8-14; Luke 1: 39-45

We have been thinking these days of the joy in the presence of the Lord, in the promises of the Lord and the joy in faith... these in fact point to a joy that arises from a true and profound relationship. The Word today presents to us this joy, the joy that comes from relationships, relationships of true love. 

The first reading gives us an interesting picture of how a relationship of faith should be - it should be like a longing for the beloved, says the Song of Songs. Not just happiness in the presence of a person, but a longing for the presence, a lively and dynamic initiative to make that presence felt. And the joy arises from there, from that involvement, from those initiatives, from that reaching out, from that characteristic "going forth" of the community of faith. 

"Let me hear your voice..."  - that longing expressed in the Song of Songs, is reflected in the Gospel when Elisabeth cries out "the moment your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy!" Leaping for joy at the voice of the Lord presumes our readiness to listen to the voice and live by it. Not listening is a loss; listening and not acting is unbecoming of a disciple or uncharacteristic of a son or a daughter; and listening, acting and longing for more is the joy of the Reign. 

The antiphon of the day, presents to us the coming of the Lord, as the radiant dawn, the Morning Star, the splendour of eternal light, the sun of justice who shines on those who dwell in darkness, calling them to light and to happiness, to virtue and joy! Every moment of our life, the radiant dawn, the sun of justice continues to call us to the light of virtue and wisdom, which arises from the relationship we have with God, as children of God, as people of God. 

Our choice for God makes us reach out in joy, just as Mary does to Elizabeth. Such a reaching out is carrying God to the other, by the love that is shared and the care that is shown. Certainly in such relationships there is joy, a leaping joy, a joy that becomes the splendid announcement of the presence of God. This, in short, is the experience of the Reign, the joy in relationships.