Wednesday, August 21, 2024

From Good people to God's People

WORD 2day: Thursday, 20th week in Ordinary time

August 22, 2024 - Ezekiel 36: 33-28; Matthew 26: 1-14

The Word today seems to underline the urgency of responding to God's invitation - the invitation to be God's people. The urgency in no way does away with the demands of the criteria. The demand is not just to be good people, but to be God's people. 

Being God's people would mean being reflections of God's own holiness from within us; God wishes to display God's holiness in us... what a realisation if only we understand what God wants to communicate by this.

At times we reduce our human nature to sinfulness and wickedness, jealousy and egocentrism, lawlessness and insensitivity. The truth is not that! The truth is that we possess within us the holiness of God, the splendour of God, the glorious and majestic image of God. If only we realise it! However we may try, that task seems to be practically impossible, with all the traps and trials around in our living conditions. 

The Lord òffers to fill us with Lord's own spirit. It is only through that, one can live according to the norms of the living Lord. Let us put on the Spirit of the Lord and enter the daily banquet of the Lord...well on our way to becoming God's people, and not just good people, and much less just any people!