Thursday, December 9, 2021

Peace is born in the Light!


December 10, 2021: Isaiah  48: 17-19; Matthew 11: 16-19

We are a privileged people, not because we have a special status or that we deserve it... it is because we have a Lord who sheds light on our daily life on a constant basis. While there are so many persons who have great trouble deciding what to do when, we have a clear and focussed light on our life that guides us, and helps us make choices.

One might disagree with this statement, saying, 'no sometimes even we are not certain what to do!' But just take a minute and reflect... should we really have a confusion? If the confusion because we do not know what to choose or are we not ready to choose what we know to be right? At times we reason in such an infantile way - I like, I dont like, It is very pleasing to me, something does not give me pleasute - are these truly the right way to discern?

This is what Jesus complains against: we act and think like children! Our desires, wishes and pleasures take more importance than what is right, just, pleasing in the eyes of the Lord and the most loving thing to do at a point of time. This is where we falter and fail. The Lord keeps revealing to us, as the first reading tells us, the will of God. What is right and what is proper to be done is always clear right before us, in the light of the Lord; and Peace is born exactly in this light!

Peace comes from that presence


December 9, 2021: Isaiah 41,13-20; Matthew 11:11-15

We fret and frown when we helplessly witness violence and wickedness in the world and ask, where is God! When things similar were happening, Jesus said I am here! The first reading is not to be interpreted as something like every thing will drastically change when God comes into our lives. There are two issues here: God never leaves us whether we acknowledge it or not, so we need not foresay an auspicious moment when God shall be there. Secondly, even while we are going through hard times, especially in those times, the Lord stays close to us - blessed are those who realise this, they will have peace!