Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Easter People - Real Witnesses

Easter Octave - Thursday 

April 25, 2019: Acts  3: 11-26; Luke 24: 35-48

"You are witnesses", declares the Lord in the Gospel and "We are witnesses", proclaims Peter before the people! 

We are Witnesses! We would become witnesses only when we have seen, we have experienced, we have been touched and we are so affected that we want to shout it out! 

Can I claim that I have seen the Lord? Do you think it is difficult to see the Lord?

Can I say that I have experienced the Lord? Have you really capitalised on the continuous presence and protection of the Lord? 

Do I feel touched by the Lord? What does the Lord mean to my daily life?

How much am I affected by the Lord? How are my priorities and principles shaped and transformed by the Lord?

These are some self ruminations that can make us true witnesses. Are we ready to take up the challenge of being witnesses to the Lord? It is an interesting proposition to know that the Greek root word for witness is, 'martyria' which is also the root word for Martyrs! This is only to say that the zenith of a witnessing life is being ready to even lay down our lives for the sake of the Lord and the Lord's Reign. Amidst the tough situations of today's world, how prepared, ready and eager are we to be real witnesses?

Let us remember, true Easter People are by nature real witnesses!