Monday, February 22, 2016

MERCILENT 2016 - 23rd February

BE EXALTED: Recognise the goodness of the Lord

Tuesday. Second week of Lent
Isa 1: 10,16-20; Mt 23: 1-12

The Lord will exalt the Lord's servant. We are certain to be exalted when we remain servants of the Lord. 

Be exalted,  invites the readings today and that invitation has two implications: one, remain faithful to the Lord and the Lord's call and you will be exalted. Inspite of the present troubles around or the limitations within you,  you will be exalted-that's the lesson of mercy at lent. 

The second implication is,  be exalted means don't exalt yourself! Seeing your values, witness and everyday way of life,  the Lord will exalt you in, through and in the presence of the people. Let your principles and priorities be praise worthy and your thoughts and acts will be Lord-worthy! You shall be exalted. 

The Mercilent Attitude for today: Acknowledge the good the Lord accomplishes in you! 

MERCILENT 2016 - 22nd February

BE ROCK: Love the Church and stand by it

The Feast of the Chair of St. Peter
1 Pet 5: 1-4; Mt 16: 13-19

Just a few days back, I read a half baked argument from one dissident from the Catholic Church, seeking to question the authority of the Bishop of Rome! I was laughing to myself because, he was a Catholic Priest who has found his new wisdom in an independent church. Is it ignorance or arrogance that these independent churches, who insist so much on the primacy of the Word, do not see the historical fact underlying the first reading today. Peter writes as an Elder among Elders, instructing the rest of them in the way of the Lord: this is what the Holy Father does... as a Bishop among Bishops, he encourages and animates the shepherds towards a holistic government of the Church. 

The Authority comes from Christ himself and that is the fact we celebrate today. Praying for Pope Francis today, is a God given task, especially in the background of the controversies that are raked up by the western media in the past week! Floods and waves will batter against this home, but it will not be moved, because it is build on a Rock - let us give praise to the Lord. We have a great tradition and a wonderful faith deposit that has been handed down by marvelous people of God, let us love it treasure it, keep it and faithfully pass it on.

The Mercilent Attitude for today: Love the Church and stand by it.