Monday, July 6, 2015

WORD 2day: 6th July, 2015

The Trust levels

Monday. 14th week in Ordinary Time
Gen 28: 10-22; Mt 9: 18-26

The Word presents to us today 4 levels of trust and may be we would do well to analyse ourselves and find out where we fit in.

If I come back safe... we see Jacob still at the level of hypothesising  trust.He wishes to remain faithful to the Lord if the Lord protects him.

If only I touch the Lord... we see the woman with hemorrhage confident that she will be healed on fulfilling certain conditions, a conditional trust that operates on cause and effect logic.

Though my daughter is dead...we see that official referred to here telling the Lord,my daughter is just dead! But that she was already dead was not a problem to him, because he had placed on the Lord an Absolute Trust that nothing is impossible for God.

Where do we stand in these levels of trust in the Lord? Hopefully, we are not in the fourth category which is the people who were standing around and mocking Jesus as he entered to raise the girl...they are the heroes of the nether world.