Wednesday, May 27, 2015

WORD 2day: 28th May, 2015

The splendid gift of truly seeing!

Thursday, 8th week in Ordinary Time
Sir 42: 15-25; Mk 10: 46-52

To truly see the nature and observe all that it points to, to truly see the creation and the creatures and all the marvels they possess, to truly see the process of change and rejuvenation inbuilt in the nature and drink in their splendour, to truly see all that happens around one and sense the lessons that they offer... it is a splendid gift! Not all do possess it.

Today, we can without exaggeration join Bartimaeus and ask the Lord that we may see, see truly, observe clearly, listen intently, understand deeply and find the splendour of God's presence with us and within us. Without God's grace we cannot see God's presence and receive God's directions for our daily life. To see a teary eye and read the helplessness in it; to see the troubled spirit and hear the cry for understanding; to see the disturbed minds and understand the yearning for true love, it is an essential and lovely gift that we can ask God for: the splendid gift of truly seeing!

WORD 2day: 27th May, 2015

A Lord with a difference

Wednesday, 8th week in Ordinary Time
Sir 38: 1, 4-5, 10-17; Mk 10:32-45

The Lord: that is how the disciples and the community began to interpret their Christ-experience. But for generations this Lordship was an experience of those people. They knew their Lords who were ruling them. ..they knew the Lord God who demanded their awe and respect. ..the first reading pictures that experience quite vividly.

There was something different about Jesus being their Lord. He served,  he loved,  he self-emptied,  and the height of all, demanded that all be so. Loving each other, serving each other and not 'lording over others'. Giving joy that is complete,  peace that the world cannot give, and love that is life giving,  Jesus proves a Lord with a difference.