Thursday, May 11, 2023


The need to move on, move in and move up!

May 14, 2023: 6th Sunday after Easter
Acts 8:5-8,14-17; 1 Peter 3: 15-18; John 14: 15-21

Our life is a process, a process of continuous growth; so is faith. Our faith is not a static assertion of some facts or some set of information, as we often mistakenly imagine it to be. Faith is a dynamic experience, a rapport within and with persons and realities around based on the relationship we have with God as its foundation. In this progress, we are called to keep moving on! This moving on need not be always moving out, it could also essentially be a moving in. And especially in faith, it is basically a call to move up, ever more closer to the One who has called us, scaling up towards our perfection. We have today from the Risen Lord, the challenge to Graduate in our life our faith!

Jesus seems to be winding up his course... and he challenges his disciples to Graduate. He does the same to us: he challenges us to Graduate, in our life of faith and not remain the same little children we began this journey as. And the challenge can be broken up into three movements - moving on, moving in and moving up!

Move on! says Jesus to his apostles and to us. In a little while the world will no longer see me, tells the Lord. He prepares to bid them farewell, telling them the current phase is getting to a close, and the new phase is round the corner; they need to get ready for it. Move on, don't get stuck - be it to good times or to trying times, don't get stuck. There were glorious times when they went around with the Lord and saw miracles and wonders, healings and resuscitations. There were tough times when they saw the very same Jesus being crucified and buried, hid themselves from the threatening powers. The Risen Lord invites them not to get stuck to any of these, for they were phases of transformation, periods of growth, through which he wanted the disciples to graduate, progress, grow up. The apostles understood this...they moved on! They were all over the place preaching Christ and ushering in the new phase that Jesus had promised them. In the first reading today we see Phillip doing that in the Samaritan quarters, opening up the Jewish world to the rest of the human kind and reaching out with the love of God, a love that was universal - that was a graduation, a moving on!

Today, we are called to move on too... from many attitudes that we developed within us with the pandemic and the lockdowns and other negative experiences we have had in the recent past...are we still stuck to those fears and anxieties? We need to move on... from our tendency to get stuck to the past, get weighed down by the negativities we have had. Let us move on; moving on is an essential mark of graduating in our faith life. Let us not get stuck to our negative experiences in life but look at them as a source of inspiration for progress, for moving on, for graduation!

Move in! clarifies Jesus. As a means and an aid to graduate, Jesus promises an advocate. I shall ask the Father and the Father will give you another advocate, the Spirit of Truth and Jesus goes on to clarify: the Spirit is with you, the Spirit is in you! The Indwelling Spirit is the Spirit of Truth that Jesus promises as the guarantee of graduation. Though graduation is moving on, it may not always mean moving out, it could be more moving in. Moving into oneself. Becoming aware of one's own innermost thoughts, attitudes, tendencies and priorities and working on them with the help of the Spirit who dwells within us to assist us and to strengthen us. St. Peter invites us to exactly this, when he calls us in the second reading to live a life in the spirit, that we may be raised as Jesus was raised in the spirit - and that involves suffering for the right, for truth, for righteousness, for justice and for integrity.

Sufferings and downfalls, sometimes can serve as a school of solitude! To enter that interior castle within our self, understanding ourselves at a closer view, analysing ourselves and growing through it... that is moving in, moving in to ourselves, moving in to our conscience, moving in to our interior self, moving in to the core of our being and becoming aware of what and who is at work there! Is it the Indwelling Spirit...that is would be a sign of graduation in faith.

Move up! invites Jesus. Move up, as an expression means to get closer to a person, in order to say something or do something! And Jesus invites his disciples to move up to the Father and experience in the Father the love that Jesus came to share with them. Jesus is challenging them, and us, to graduate to that experience where "you will understand that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you!" Naturally Jesus seems to be instructing his disciples towards the next level of their encounter. He seems to be telling them: I came in order that I may put you in direct touch with my Father, and here comes the Spirit to sustain that you go, grow in that communion! A true graduation of faith life.

Our life of faith is not merely doing something or fulfilling some requisites, it is a relationship, a communion, an integral harmony within and without, where everything dissolves into One, True Bliss (Sat Cit Ananda). There cannot be contrasts and confusions, there cannot be competitions and compromises, there cannot be hatred or indifference... what remains in that graduated faith life is - Oneness, Love and Eternal Happiness! Love each other as a sign of your love for the Divine who loves you so intimately, unconditionally! In that love and harmony, you shall sense the indwelling divine, the Advocate the Father has given you, the presence of God within that you need to become more and more aware of.

Graduate... that is the challenge today! To graduate in our life our faith and move on to the higher plane of living your faith, to move in and find the source of true meaning within you and to move up to the Divine and establish a long lasting relationship. May the Risen Lord, the Spirit of God and the love of the Father help us grow everyday!

GPS Enabled!

WORD 2day: Saturday, 5th week after Easter

May 13, 2023: Acts 16: 1-10; John 15: 18-21

Almost gone are those days when people bound for a place that they have never been to, find their destinations with the help of people on the road, bystanders, fellow passengers etc. With the ChatGPT and other forthcoming innovations, GPS has by now become a minimum technology available to people. With the smart phones in every hand, persons are today GPS Enabled: the Global Positioning System - which tells us in detail where we are, where we are upto and how we get there!

Today in the first reading we find the apostles - GPS enabled. They are instructed where to go and where not to go, where to be in any given time and where not to be. They had their GPS enabled. The GPS here is... God's Powerful Spirit. 

Jesus warned them wherever they go there will be people against them, because they are his disciples. But nothing to worry because they have the GPS enabled! Here the GPS is...God's Protecting Spirit. 

Come what may, with all the troubles and persecutions the disciples will go on and on! The early Christians we see in the Biblical account could not just be stopped from living and proclaiming their new found life in Christ, because they were GPS enabled. Here the GPS is... God's Propelling Spirit.

The invitation to us is, to be disciples of Christ in our daily life with all its struggles and temptations-disciples who are GPS Enabled!

We, the Spirit and Love!

WORD 2day: Friday, 5th week after Easter

May 12, 2023: Acts 15: 22-31; John 15: 12-17

It is a fascinating point of view when we understand the formulation we see in the first reading today: the apostles when they communicate their decision after a crisis, they say, "it has seemed good to us and to the holy spirit..." The presence of the Spirit was experienced as someone who lived amidst them!

When the Holy Spirit takes hold of us, all that we do, all that we choose, all that we decide will be guided by love and love alone! The disciples, apostles and the entire early Christian community, were ready to give up their tradition, their heritage, their laws, all because they loved their new brothers and sisters in Christ. They did not want to over burden them. 

It was indeed keeping much in line with what Christ had taught. Jesus had in fact gone a step further and said: not just traditions and laws, but even your life, you should be ready to lay down! That is true love. If the Son of God has given up everything for the love that he has for us, why do we hesitate to give up anything... especially our ego, our selfishness, our vain glory, for the sake of love of our brothers and sisters!

We and the Holy Spirit, if we are in constant rapport, we will be filled with true love! If we are filled with true love, then we would make true disciples to Christ, the Son of God who is Love! We, the Holy Spirit and Love, we will make a wonderful "Christ"ian Community. Are we ready?