Tuesday, March 10, 2015


The Rock foundation

Third week in Lent: Wednesday, 11th Mar, 2015
Dt 4: 1,5-9; Mt 5: 17-19

The Commandments were nothing but the expressed wish of the Lord who brought the people up to their status of God's people. The Old Testament people felt assured that when they walked in the path of the commandments, they were on the right track. At times this assurance and the anxiety to hold on to this assurance made them even highly legalistic. Though Jesus stood tooth and nail against legalism, he too respected the commands of the Lord and taught his disciples how to make it humanly possible to abide by those commandments. The expressed wish of the Father, was something sacred and holy to Jesus and he declared that they are never changing, eternal and foundational for our faith. Our faith, our rapport with the Lord, our faithfulness to God has to be based firmly on something and Jesus offers the right solution: the Word of the Lord. The Word which contains the expressed wish of the Father, the word that will never perish, is the Rock foundation on which our faith has to be established! Whoever obeys and teaches these, will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven.


It's our nature to forgive

Third week in Lent: Tuesday, 10th Mar, 2015
Dan 3: 25, 34-43; Mt 18: 21-35

The Word today invites us to understand the figure of the Lord as forgiving. The Lord gives and forgives;  if not,  we would die and perish. When the Lord offered us the greatest of all gifts,  God's own image and likeness,  God gave us the very nature the God beholds. We were made like God,  little less than the angels. God forgives and so we are called to forgive. It is our nature to forgive too. When we do not forgive we are negating our very nature; we become alien to ourselves,  we turn not only ungodly but even inhuman! Let us realise the image we bear and live up to that image! Let us forgive,  not just a few times or just when it is convenient but all the time,  amidst all tribulations. Seems a needed message for the present times!