WORD 2day: Wednesday, 15th week in Ordinary time
July 14, 2021: Exodus 3: 1-6,9-12; Matthew 11: 25-26
God identified Godself through Moses
that God is WHO IS (I am), and Jesus the Son of God revealed to us a God WHO IS
ALWAYS WITH US... One who is concerned about us, journeys with us, leads us by
hand and wants to be with us always, especially when we are tired and heavy
laden, especially when we are through the lowest moments of our lives, especially
when we feel we are abandoned and all alone. Yes, Our God is who IS!
Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?
- I will be with you, says the Lord! What makes the difference is that, the
Lord was with Moses. Who we are is important, but more important is who is with
us! We may be merely children, but if God is with us, we can be worth all the
wisest and powerful put together. Do not say you are merely a child, the Lord
told Jeremiah.
The Lord promises to be with us, what
else do we need! If God is with us, what do we lack! If God is for us who can
be against us!