Friday, October 4, 2013

WORD 2day

4th October, 2013: Remembering St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis has been identified as the person who imitated Christ the closest! His greatness lay in his simplicity, his humility and his love for poverty! That is why when the present Holy Father chooses to follow his model, the whole world cannot resist taking notice of him. But where does this simplicity and humility come from? Is it a mere showmanship? If so... it just cannot last long! For St. Francis, it came from his realisation of the fact that he is sent; that he is called, called with a specific mission, at a specific time and in his specific context! As we thank God for this great Saint from Assisi and pray specially for the Holy Father today, let us pay heed to the same message presented to us by the readings of the day! if we realise the fact that we are specially called and sent by the Lord, we will naturally realise how humble and underserving we are! From that humility and meekness, will surge a sanctity, that can make us become living Christ today - that is, Christ-ians!