Wednesday, August 2, 2017

WORD 2day: 2nd August, 2017

Can you hide the glow?

Tuesday, 17th week in Ordinary Time
Exo 34: 29-35; Mt 13: 44-46

Just imagine the person who has just found a treasure in his field - he is so excited he runs to sell the ground. Will no one sense something fishy in this man who has been so possessive about his land all this while? Imagine likewise, the man who has found the most precious pearl, that he is frenetically seeking to sell everything that he has. Will not those who see these men find something strange in them? That is the glow that the first reading is speaking of. Moses had a glow in his face whenever he came from the tent of meeting. 

If your time with the Lord is true, authentic and sincere, can you hide the glow? If there is no glow, was that time with the Lord worth it? Worse still, if there is an attitude of pride or egoism after all the time you spend with the Lord, how authentic has that meeting been? Did you really meet the Lord? 

The time that I spend with the Lord has to be directly proportionate to the kindness, generosity, forgiveness and sincerity I exhibit to my fellow beings when I encounter them. Because, if I have truly encountered the Lord, I cannot hide the glow!