Monday, February 1, 2021

Tests, Results and the Marks


February 2, 2021: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 2: 22-40

Do not bring us to the test we pray, but our life is full of tests. The tests at school and colleges, the tests for jobs, the tests in the family by the spouses on each other, the parents on children and vice versa, the tests in the social living with all the crises that is around; and as if these are not enough, in this pandemic times - all the tests that are spoken of! Our life is filled with tests. But, it is in and through these tests, the true quality of our life is brought to the fore. Mary at the temple today stands model to this brave spirit of a God-filled person - having faced tests and fared truly well.

Much more than the results of the tests, what matters is the manner in which we go through it. What dominates: anxiety? tension? uncertainty? looking for evasive means? giving into manipulations? 

Tests in life, are not mere situations to be overcome, but are experiences to learn from. The true result of these tests, is not whether you succeed or not; but that you come out of it better, refined, polished, purified, and made more whole. St. Joseph after every crisis that he faces comes out more flexible at the hands of God. Another serene example.

The marks of these tests should be seen in your capacity to offer yourself into God's hands more and more. The effect of the tests could either make you stronger or break your spirit... the mark of a God-filled person is to come out of it ever more stronger in his or her will to surrender to the Lord. That child presented today at the temple, will grow up to be the best ever example of someone who grew out of every test and remained faithful to his consecration!