Thursday, October 10, 2024

Daily faithfulness and Constant commitment

WORD 2day: Friday, 27th week in Ordinary time

October 11, 2024 - Galatians 3:7-14; Luke 11:15-26

One who is righteous, by faith shall he or she live, says the first reading! Being God's or belonging to God means a life full of daily choices. It is not a change that happens once and remains for ever, but it is a daily faithfulness on our part to remain in that desired state of grace. It is not enough to desire it, one needs to dedicate oneself to it. 

Faith, therefore, is not a set of truths that are proposed or discussed; but it is a personal commitment lived, a relationship that is established, a rapport that is built between me and my God! The fact is that the process is begun by God - both objectively and subjectively. That is, it is God who begins the entire salvation plan and it is God who begins to relate to me as a singular person. 

Because God loved us so much, Christ stoops down to such an extent to initiate that relationship between humanity and God... Christ became a curse for our sakes, reminds St.Paul. God has set this in motion, that every human person is loved, brought to experience God and saved in that love and mercy of God. 

On the personal level, it is not enough that such a relationship is initiated by God, a gratuitous gift given to me - it is essential that I keep that relationship going, on a daily basis, filling my life with God and all that pertains to God. If not, there are myriads of other things that are waiting to take possession of my heart. 

As St. Peter warns, 'your enemy the devil, is prowling round like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour' (cf. 1 Pet 5:8), our lives are full of things, persons, attitudes and trends that can take us easily far away from God and God's love. Hence, the key is: daily faithfulness and constant commitment!