Wednesday, January 6, 2016

WORD 2day: 6th January, 2016

Love, the loaves and the waves!
1 Jn 4: 11-18; Mk 6: 45-52

The Gospel passage today raises a strange question within us... what is the connection between the loaves and Jesus walking on the water? How is it that Mark says they were dumbfounded at seeing Jesus walk on the turbulent waters because they had not still seen what the miracle of the loaves meant. Feeding the hungry in the wilderness was a Messianic Sign: and what is it but a child's play for the Messiah to walk on the water or calm the sea! Walking on the waters too resembled the walking through the waters, yet another messianic sign. But for Jesus none of these signs mattered. If they did,  he would have taught his disciples to walk on water and to multiply loaves. 

What mattered to Jesus was only one and that is what he taught them. That is the mind of Christ that is so vividly pictured in John's words: one who loves,  lives in God and God lives in him! Love alone matters,  neither the loaves nor the waves!