Friday, January 6, 2017

WORD 2day: 7th January, 2017

The Power to know the True God

Saturday after Christmas Octave
1 Jn 5: 14-21; Jn 2: 1-11

The Son of God has come to give us the power to know the True God. We will know only when we are open to the revelation of God. Only when we are open and receptive can that revelation make any difference. Only because the wine ran out, they were able to taste the best of wine ever made. Only because there were six empty jars they were able fill them in order to get new wine made from mere water. Only because they stood helpless the wedding party had the privilege to witness the first of miracles that Jesus performed. Only because Jesus heeded in obedience to the request of his beloved mother, the disciples found the true messiah in him. The Son of God has come to give us the power to know God, but only if we are open and receptive, we can truly behold the revelation. If not, we will miss the entire message as did the majority of Jews in Jesus' time. 

WORD 2day: 6th January, 2017

Water, blood and the Spirit

Friday, after Christmas Octave
1 Jn 5:5-13; Mk 1:6-11

Though today is the Epiphany of the Lord, the Church invites us to celebrate it coming Sunday. And today we have the Word speaking to us of our relatedness in the Lord.

We have three veins of faith that connect us to the Father through Jesus and they are, water, blood and the Spirit. The waters of baptism that gives us new life in Christ, the Blood of Christ that bring eternal life in Christ and the Spirit who makes it possible for us to receive these gifts from the Lord - these are the guarantees of our relationship with Christ. Water stands for purity, blood stands for vitality and the Spirit stands for our relatedness in the Father through the Son. Water makes us children of God, Blood makes us witnesses of Christ and the Spirit makes us heirs to the Father.