Monday, February 3, 2014

WORD 2day: 3rd February, 2014

Curses or Praises - a Christian focus!

Isn't it everyone's experience that we come across some person or persons, who curse us, wish us ill and hold grudges against us? Today David demonstrates to us what should be the ideal response to such an experience. At times we get so worried, pulled down, discouraged, depressed or angered at such moments. Real faith would inspire us to do the contrary - that we remain calm, composed, clear, courageous and focused on God and God alone! Especially when we go out of our way to do something more than the ordinary, or involve in a public concern, there can be more opportunities of criticism and derision; let not our focus be lost! Let nothing move you, says St. Paul (1 Cor 15:58). It is equally true of a vain glory, or a cheap flattery! When the evil spirits start proclaiming Jesus as the Son of God, Jesus is not carried away by the adulation. He casts them away and sends them to where they belong! As that man who was possessed, returns to "his right mind", so are we called to remain ever in our senses. Only a right understanding of our faith, an uninterrupted focus on God and on doing God's will, can keep us in that right mind. When we sense a moment that tends to get the better of us, let this be our prayer: Lord, rise up and save me!