Friday, December 17, 2021

Adonai, Lord our Integrity


December 18, 2021: Jeremiah 23: 5-8; Matthew 1: 18-24

The Lord of history, Lord of all generations and Lord of the entire universe, is our Lord. It is giving up on all this majesty that the Lord chose to be Emmanuel, God with us. Though all the titles - the Lord of might and power, the Lord of glory and honour, the Lord of hosts and dominions - are all perfectly fitting for the Lord - the title most preferred by the Lord: Emmanuel, the Lord with us! 

This is the Lord of Integrity, the Lord who is with the little and the weak, with the poor and the simple, with the opressed and the down trodden. Where there is truth, justice and righteousness, there the Lord is; when we opt for these, we opt for God. The moment one searches for power, wealth, popularity and prestige at the cost of values and righteousness, he or she ceases to be a presence of God. 

The Lord our integrity, inspires us to understand our call to be people of God, in all senses. In our way of life, in the choices we make and in the decisions that we make, we are called to be persons of integrity, persons of God and persons who build up the community into a people of God. Let our prayer today be: O Adonai, Our Lord and the Ruler of the house of Israel, who gave the law to Moses on Sinai, come and save us with outstretched arm. Amen.