Monday, February 11, 2019

Imago Dei - the real core!

February 12, 2019

Tuesday, 5th week in Ordinary time
Genesis 1:20 - 2:4a; Mark 7: 1-13

Jesus had one thing that he could never bear or tolerate! Living two lives... how much ever good you may do, it does not matter as much as, being good. This is because Jesus is mindful of the real core of our being: Imago Dei, the image of God that is enshrined within us. 

God  saw everything was good as God created them one by one.  But when God had created human being, God found it very good. Because God saw Godself in the human person. The inner core of our being is that godliness that we can observe in God. When we refuse to see it within us or reject what is at the core of our selves, we become aliens to ourselves. This is what Jesus is warning us against. Get closer and closer to the real core of your being:  the image of God.

This is the true Christian spirituality, that the Word today wants us to understand. Spirituality itself is a sense of being connected to everything and everybody... and further still, Christ's, Christ-like and Christian Spirituality is a sense of feeling an obligation to love people, fend for their good, be interested in their well being and spend oneself for the happiness and well being of the other. It cannot be merely a dry or rigid performance of rituals and lifeless hypocritical obedience to rules and commandments. 

Christ's spirituality consists predominantly of love: because God is love and that is the image that is placed at the core of our beings. We are called to recognise the presence of this image within us, marvel at its majesty and strive to live true to it, come what may: troubles, inconveniences, burdens, sacrifices and carrying of crosses! If you are prepared, you are well on your way to become what you really are, in your real core - the living image of God.