Learning to rise above
Thursday, 5th week in Ordinary time
Gen 2:18-25; Mk 7: 24-35
Man-woman, rich-poor, we-they... these are dichotomies that seem very natural and no one finds fault about being conscious of these. It takes a lot of maturity to rise above the man-woman duality for instance and say wè are after all one.
Though Jesus was beyond most of these dichotomies: sinner-saint, sacred-profane, and so on, the Jewish classical dichotomy of the chosen-gentile seems to have been deep seated in him. But he is ready to rise above it, as a process of growth. The famous liberation theologian Gustavo Guttierez would say, Jesus allowed himself to be taught by a woman, a syrophoenecian woman - there lies his greatness. He rises there above all dichotomies.
We too need to become aware of the dichotomies present in our mindsets and learn to rise above them.