Wednesday, January 1, 2020

God, Faith and our Choice!

WORD 2day: January 2, 2020

1 John 2: 22-28; John 1: 19-28

God loved us, and as if that were not enough, God had to prove it at great costs. God works marvelous things, and as if that were not enough, God has to every time prove, that the things are marvelous and that God did them all! God is with us always, and as if that were not enough, God has to remind us time and again that we can do, actually nothing without God.

Faith is of course a gift from God, but receiving it or not, depends on our disposition and our readiness; it is our Choice! What an apt moment to speak of our Choices and the need to make them firmly well...we have just started the New Year and after all the festivities of the New year day, we enter into our daily life from today!

The Word became flesh and came to dwell among us; God revealed Godself to us, and God continues to reveal... do we have the eyes to see it and the heart to accept it? How many miracles happen all around us every single day...and do we really notice each of them? As we begin this brand new year, can we resolve to be extra conscious this year, to receive the revelation of God and every sign from the Lord.

Today, let us remain open with our eyes alive and our hearts warm, to receive and appreciate the splendid signs of God's presence with us. Do we really believe in the Emmanuel, God-with-us?

Project 2020

Happy New Year 2020!

May the new year that begins, 
begin with the assurance of God's presence! 
A presence that brings peace, which is
the greatest of the blessings that we can pray for!

My meditation this day was on 
how to live this lovely new gift of 365 days that the Lord offers -
Project 2020, that is what I thought to myself of...

Project 2020
what would it consist of?

To Learn, not to pre-tend!
Due to pre-tendencies, we actually do not think anew
we go with our pre understandings, 
our judgements and prejudices 
our prior experiences and 
used-to practices; 
Instead let us try to learn...
try to learn anew
from every moment and every person
from every experience and every occasion 
Learning actually comes from listening, 
listening truly, sincerely, 
with a open heart to every thing that the Lord wants to say
through persons, events and experiences.

To Live, not to perform!
Sad it is that most of our life is spent
proving ourselves to others, 
pleasing others and serving others' eyes, 
So obsesses with these, 
we tend to live others' lives, 
others' opinions. others' expectations, 
others' approval and others' disapproval; 
Instead let us try to live...
live to the full
every moment and every opporunity
every day and every minute.
Living actually means receiving with gratitude
every day from the hands of God, 
and being ourselves, totally and fearlessly.

To Love, not to possess!
How difficult it is to really understand 
what it means to love, to really love
to wish the good of the other
without having to look for 
what I would receive or 
what I would lose.
In the name of love, we tend to hold on
we insist on being pleased, 
we long for satisfactions.
Instead let us try to love...
as loved God, in Christ
in every way giving
and never counting the cost.
Loving actually means acknowledging
that we are sustained every moment 
by the Love Supreme and we nothing without that Love.