Tuesday, September 24, 2013

WORD 2day

25th September, 2013

Often have we heard the saying, 'God chooses not the worthy; but makes worthy the chosen'. It's true not only regarding particular individuals. To be believers in God, to be baptised into God's household, to be called 'Christians', is no achievement of ours. It is because the one who created us, has called us! 'It is not you who chose me, but I chose you' declared Jesus. When this truth really dawns on us, apart from an overwhelming gratitude, we would be filled with a docility without measure. That is what we see in the readings today. A candid realisation of being chosen inspite of our unworthiness; and a clear instruction from the Lord as to how to manifest our docility. The command, given in all detail, can be simply stated in one phrase - Be filled with God alone and fill the world with God!

WORD 2day

24th September, 2013

'House', 'Mother', 'brothers and sisters' ... today's readings present to us terms that seem to draw a highly familiar note to our faith. It is important to look at our faith and its expression in terms of living in the presence of God, living as brothers and sisters of the Lord and as brothers and sisters in the Lord, instead of duties, obligations and rituals to be faithfully carried out. The basic premise of our faith has to be a loving relationship with God which makes us related to each other, and makes us persons dwelling under the same roof - every place we encounter each other becomes a 'house of God' to encounter God in the other, alive and active, warm and vibrant. Understood thus, can faith ever divide us? And if it leads to harming the other, will it still be worthy of the name 'faith'?