Friday, December 3, 2021

Our Hope towards Fullness - In the Lord and Lord alone


December 4, 2021: First Saturday in Advent

Isaiah 30: 19-21,23-26; Matthew 9: 35, 10:1,5,6-8

Happy are they who hope in the Lord - just imagine what happens when we hope in someone else or something else!

When we place our hope in the powers and authorities of this world, we know how we shall be taken for a ride! Just look at the way the world is going battered and confused, taken for granted and exploited to the core. When we place our hope in money and riches, we know the dismay we would bring on ourselves, possessing things but so far from serenity and true joy.

In the Lord there is compassion and love. The Lord wishes my good, and gives me freely. The Lord comes in search of me, offering me the fullness in life which I do not ask, I cannot ask, or I do know know to ask for. Cures, healings, signs and miracles are just indicators to the fullness that God wishes to offer me! How prepared am I to receive them?

When will I receive this fullness that God has prepared to give me: on two counts. One, when I place my hope in the Lord and surrender myself totally to the Lord and Lord's ways! Second, when I become the bearer of this hope to others. The harvest is plentiful, the need is tremendous, the work to be done is so much... but there are very few who are ready to join hands with Jesus. This part is the concrete expression of my faith - that is where I reach the fullness of life; in every good we do to the other, with an unassuming sense of gratitude to God, we progress to that state where we hope in the Lord and Lord alone.