Thursday, May 16, 2013

WORD 2day

16th May, 2013

"That they may all be one, as you and I are one," prays Jesus... Being of one heart and one mind is a sign of being God's people. Looking for the ideal persons to live in peace and friendship is not the concept of the people of God. The Community is built up in constant forgiveness and unconditional acceptance. Dialogue and discernment are a daily need, not just in the society at large but even in the closest circle of family and friends. This is possible only if there exists among us the love with which God has loved us! That is why Jesus prays that we have amidst us the love which exists between God and the Son of God (Jn 17:26), the same love with which God sent God's son for our salvation and renewed the everlasting covenant with humanity! "For God so loved the world..."(Jn 3:16). Loving Communion among us, is a solid sign of the presence of God's love in and through us. May we all be signs and bearers of God's love to the world!