Friday, September 9, 2022

Differences, disputations and dialogue!

WORD 2day: Saturday, 23rd week in Ordinary time

September 10, 2022: 1 Corinthians 10:4-23; Luke 6: 43-49

We live in a world of pluralism today. Not just India, or countries like that, but almost every one, all over the world lives in a context and a culture of pluralism. Everyone finds one's neighbour different, different in his or her creed or convictions or value systems. In such a situation, what should be a true Christian disposition? Can it be one of disputation, debate or delirious defence? The result would range from a kind of disrespectful cynicism to a hateful dissent. Are those fruits proper to a tree that is Christian? How can anything be its fruit other than love:  for by this they will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for each other.

If so, what would be the right disposition? Compromise? Relativism? An anything-is-ok mentality? No! Never!, says St.Paul in today's first reading. Between Controversies and Compromise, there is something called Comprehension. That, and that alone, is the need of the hour today. An attitude of mature Dialogue. 

What is the use of talking so much of God as love and of Christ's teachings of a forgiving and forbearing love, if we dont begin to live it? Will we not be foolish builders, building our beach side castles? Let us form ourselves into solid bulidings of enduring love and never failing faith, that we may teach the whole world, the lifestyle of true love.

"Trained" to be Apostles

WORD 2day: Friday, 23rd week in Ordinary time

September 9, 2022: I Corinthians 9:16-19, 22b -27; Luke 6: 39-42.

The Word today insists on the need to be trained, in being an apostle. An apostle we are, each of us by virtue of our baptism. That call is not merely a privillege, it is an obligation, a duty and a demand placed on me. Considering it merely a matter to boast about leads to some unfortunate developments within the faith community, situations such as infights, ego clashes, jealousy, clericalism and unchristian 'politricks'. 

The Gospel calls these practices: blind leading the blind and both into the pit! Neither you know what it means to be a Christian, nor do you allow those who aspire to really understand what it takes to be a Christian; in living wrong values you bring judgement upon yourself and in the counter witness that you give you make people go away from the Word and Lord, rather than bringing them closer to Christ experience. Instead, taking the call seriously - the call to be a Christian, the call to be an apostle - leads one to a fuller realisation of the gift that it is and at the same time of the demands that it places. 

One of the important demands that comes up is, to be trained! Both St.Paul and Jesus, today speak of this training. It would consist of fundamentally three things: humble acceptance of the call to be an apostle; attentive listening to the Word that comes to us; and diligent practice of the Word that is heard. Falling short of these three steps would make us either arrogant bigwigs or pretentious bullies but never trained disciples. 

The need to be trained is in simple terms, growing grow gradually into the image of the Master who has chosen us, called us and sent us!