Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Reign Persons!


November 4, 2021: Remembering Cardinal St. Charles Borromeo
Romans 14: 7-12 ; Luke 15: 1-10

Two attitudes in contrast today bring out the quality of a person who belongs to the Reign of God. The so called sinners and publicans were seeking to be in the company of Jesus while the pharisees were busy complaining that Jesus was eating with sinners and meeting with the outcasts. Jesus says he cared two hoots about what the pharisees thought, because Jesus' task was so clear cut and absolute for him: the Reign of God.

Reign of God is a mindset fundamentally. It is a mindset that gives priority to the Lord, a mentality that considers nothing more important that the will of God, a disposition of welcoming all that pertains to God and a lifestyle of celebrating every moment of life, every person around and every possibility of promoting love through genuine relationships. Although eating and drinking, and feasts and gatherings are an important part of the spirit of the Reign, they are not all, decries Jesus! Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17)... that's the Reign of God. 

Reign of God consists of our choices, daily and radical choices, wherever we are - choices such as, whose company we seek; what do we decry; what is that which disturbs us when we look at the society today or our own life today, and so on... these are the pertinent elements that will make me truly a person of the Reign!

Charles Borromeo, born in a great noble family gave up everything for the sake of Christ, although he was entrusted with great authority and power, chose to live a life of austerity and total dedication to his Master. He has made a great contribution to the Church during the tough times of counter-reformation. he was really a person of the Reign and challenges us all today to grow into Reign persons!