Friday, November 7, 2014

WORD 2day: 8th November, 2014

Wealth - the right attitude to it.
Phil 4: 10-19; Lk 16: 9-15

Wealth: is it good or bad?
Money and God...won't they go together?
Then how do we ask God for wealth and consider prosperity as a blessing from God? The readings today speak to us about the right attitude to take towards wealth.

1. Wealth is given.
It is a gift and should be treated as such. We are given and it should fill us with gratitude and not arrogance.

2. Wealth is given to be given.
It is never given for are a custodian of what is with you. You possessing the wealth is a blessing; the wealth possessing you is a curse!

3. Wealth is given to be given to those who cannot give.
The only purpose today wealth is used, apart from fulfilment of needs, is to make more wealth. It is a sickening tendency that is the cause of the growing selfishness, cruel exploitation and demeaning inhumanities.

Wealth and power are good as long as they are instruments. When they begin to use the persons dehumanisation begins! God sees the heart, says the Gospel; and everyone will see a heart that is filled with God.

Adieu dear Fr. Cappel...

Life is such a mystery! Adieu Fr.Cappel...
We will miss you.

We will miss that hearty laughter you had...and the naughty ideas you shared!

We will miss the friendly pats you were famous for... and the affectionate queries which showed us that you cared for!

At times which were tough you stood your ground... and showed us how important  it is to just be around!

Somewhere something brings a tear to my eyes... because to me you were always, always  nice!

In the recent past I have not thot about you much dear fr... may be i   expected this moment way much farther!

Life proves itself a mystery over and over again... adieu dear fr. till we meet again.

- with love, Christy

WORD 2day: 7th November, 2014

The Unchanging Criterion
Phil 3:17 - 4:1; Lk 16: 1-8

Prudence is a practical virtue, the capacity to discern the most effective option from a set of available options. When we have Christ as our choice, there need be no confusion  regarding what to choose and what not to. When Christ becomes our absolute, our standard, our criterion, then there would be no confusions nor any more options. We would have an absolute to live by,  a standard to judge by, a criterion to choose by.

St. Paul lived by this choice and presented the same to the others. Be imitators of me as I am of Christ ( 1 Cor 11:1) said Paul as we read in today's first reading too. We would be judged truly and absolutely prudent if we choose the never failing criterion: Christ; because it is the Lord and the Lord alone who does not change. Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Heb 13:8).