The Unjust world order
Monday, 9th week in Ordinary Time
Tob 1:3, 2:1a-8; Mk 12: 1-12
An unjust world order is something we see prevalent everywhere. The moneyed seem to be the first class citizens and the rest mere spectators or worse still, victims! There are two characters presented today who neither identified themselves with the rich nor did they get lost in the crowd of insignificance.
One does the maximum on his part to alleviate the misery that is meted out by this unjust order and the other challenges this very order and faces the extreme conditions.
The options remain open to us if we are sincere enough to accept the fact of the injustice that is involved, dare to face it and stand up to challenge it, in our own way. Would we be ready to defy the present world order and usher in the Reign as part of our Christian Existential responsibility?