WORD 2day: Thursday, 24th week in Ordinary time
September 16, 2021: 1 Timothy 4: 12-16; Luke 7: 36-50People of God, are all chosen, chosen to belong to God, chosen to possess the power of God and chosen to inspire each other and entire humanity, towards everyone growing into the image and likeness that they have been created in. It is not because we, as people of God, are better than the others or more worthy than the rest of the humankind. The fact is, because we are chosen, we need to strive to become better, more worthy and ever conscious of our need to work for our own salvation and for the others'.
Thinking and living this way, every person called in the name of Christ becomes a leader, an inspirer, a light on the top of the hill. And these leaders and inspirers are powered more and loved more because they love God and live for God and for others. Our lives need to become more and more salvific - for ourselves and for others around us.
May every day help us to grow up to be more and more conscious of how much we are loved and empowered... that we may be more and more loved and powered.