Sunday, November 14, 2021

Let me see again!

WORD 2day: Monday, 33rd week in Ordinary time

November 15, 2021: 1 Maccabees 1:10-15,41-43,54-57,62-63; Lk 18: 35-43

Born in a society of multireligious nature, and today living in a society that idolises this state of multi-religiosity in theory, personally I feel gifted with experiences and circumstances that can illumine the way one perceives things. At times at the first look, they do not come across to our observation and understanding. That is why the call today, to see again (as that person without sight asked Jesus!)

While in the multireligious, climate there are tendencies to not see the possibilities of co-existence and shared experience, absolutising identities and dividing humanity on varied bases; in a climate where this multi-religiosity is idolised without really understanding the nuances, there is a tendency to level everything, compromise on convictions and mix and match things to suit one's convenience! 

What is important here is, that we see, and that we see again, that is see closely and understand everything with a close attention and then initiate a process of dialogue, that does not raze down uniquenesses but accentuates the differences that contribute to each other, that humanise the society more, and that makes meaning and dignity of living as human persons, truly felt by all. This is infact is what evangelisation and re-evangelisation is all about - to throw new light; to make persons see again!