Monday, March 6, 2017


Prayer - A loving rapport with the Lord!

Tuesday, First week in Lent - 7th March, 2017
Isa 55: 10-11; Mt 6: 7-15

There are various definitions and explanations for prayer. Over and beyond all these explanations, the importance of prayer is something that is known to everyone. Prayer is also presented as one of the most fundamental elements of the Lenten practices. If so, this lent calling our attention to love, what does it say of prayer?

A simple and inevitable understanding of prayer is, perceiving prayer as a loving rapport with the Lord. Having a loving rapport with the Lord would mean, first of all to label that relationship - who is God for you: Mother, Father, Friend, Guide, Protector...? That rapport would ensure an attitude of respect and intimate connectedness, praising God and doing everything worthy of God's glory and dominion. The loving rapport ensures that all our needs are met, like a mother would do for her child. The rapport does not stop with the Lord but is made meaningful only in loving rapport that I have with my brothers and sisters, inspite of their weaknesses and limitations.

Our prayer when it is truly a loving rapport, it can do marvels! Yes, as the Lord assures that God's Word does not return until it has accomplished its purposes, so should our prayer be! Love is an energy that makes things possible. Love makes life possible, love makes care possible, love makes forgiveness and acceptance possible - when we say prayer can accomplish anything, it actually means the loving rapport with the Lord will illumine every situation here on earth - because prayer is nothing but the loving rapport that I have with the Lord.


Love - Giving the other their due!

Monday, First week in Lent - 6th March, 2017
Lev 19: 1-2,11-18; Mt 25: 31-46

If you love me...many begin their demands this way today...those who are in love, those who are married, the parents to the children and vice versa and even friends. Love is not mere words, it is not merely some feeling, but it is a way of being, a mode of identification for a true Christian. 

The fundamental truth that has various forms is that to love is to give! Giving the other their due without grudging. Love is not looking to receive; it is always looking to give, give with cheerfulness, give with generosity and give without calculation. Violence or war, abductions or protests, litigations and demonstrations ...where do they come from? From a person, or a system or a mechanism that refuses to give the due to the right person! Let us refill this world with love, meaning to say, let us give each one their due and the world will be a better place.