September 16, 2023: Celebrating Sts. Cornelius and CyprianAt times people complain - why is it that people are so bad and they don't allow me to be as good as I wish to be! Today's Word answers that question... I am responsible for the fruits that are expected of me... there will surely be scores of others who will disturb, distract, discourage and disorient... but I cannot lose the direction that I am given with. I cannot blame it on others or the situation when I fail to bear the fruits that I should. However we have a God who is inexhaustible in patience. It is only the inexhaustible patience of God that can fill us with necessary endurance to make this journey possible.
We have two saints whom we celebrate today - one a Pope-Martyr, Cornelius and the other a Bishop-Martyr, Cyprian. We have three reasons to thank God today for these saints. First of all for the testimony of their martyrdom - that they lived for the Lord and died for the Lord. Second for their insistence on the Oneness of the Church - Cornelius was the first Pope to fight against a schism in the Church already in the year 251 and Cyprian wrote those beautiful lines, 'God is one and Christ is one, and his Church is one.' Thirdly, they were people who guarded the Church against the viles of the enemy - Cornelius fought against the first anti-pope in the history of the Church and Cyprian taught extensively the doctrine strengthening the faithful against straying from the truth.