Friday, April 23, 2021

The Word, the Spirit and Life

WORD 2day: Saturday, 3rd week in Easter time

April 24, 2021: Acts 9: 31-42; John 6: 60-69

The words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life, says the Lord to the people gathered! The Apostles understood it only when Jesus had risen from the dead and was present amidst them in the Spirit... The Word which was with them, was the Spirit and was the Life. That is why, Peter raising the dead Tabitha, is no wonder for them. It was a matter of fact - the Word, the Spirit and life, all are at play here.

The true testimony that a disciple of Christ is called to give to the world rests in these three: the Word, the Spirit and life!

We are called to be the presence of the Word amidst people who are in need of light, in need of direction and in need of consolation. Especially today amidst the experience of the pandemic...are we truly persons who can offer the Word...the living Word, through our words of hope and consolation? Or are we spreading fear and apathy?

We are called to be the manifestations of the Spirit in a world that is so much running after things that are material - with the whole curse of consumerism and the use-and-throw culture that we have. Persons are made use of and things are loved and treasured...what an irony! Are we truly persons of the Spirit who can manifest God's goodness to people: how can I repay God's goodness to me, says the is only in reflecting the goodness to others in the Spirit.

We are called to be life givers...every word we speak, every action we take, every attitude we sport has to give life to others, pull them out from the possible depression they find themselves it, give them hope to live their life with a new vision, fill them with energy and effort to find the ways of the Lord in every little thing that happens in their life! Are we truly life-giving or are we spreading a culture of death by pessimism and negativity?

The Word, the Spirit and life are the touchstones to true Christian living today...we will do well to reflect on them today!