Thursday, July 5, 2018

Searching for the Word

Friday, 13th week in Ordinary Time

Amos 8: 4-6, 9-12; Mt 9: 9-13

Searching for the Word, that is the quality presented today as a distinguishing trait of a person of God. A person who is far from God, will conveniently keep away from the Word of God because it would disturb his or her peace. But when that happens his or her life drifts away from truth, from its origin, from its very meaning. That is what Amos warns the people of God about. Whereas, when a person is close to God, he or she longs for God and earnestly seeks for the will of God, and will find that life giving Word right at their doorstep. 

The Lord declares today, only the sick need the doctor. Let us be aware that only those who accept their sickness will seek the doctor and only those who want a way out of their sickness will do the needful to grow wholesome. The Word has to nourish us and only if we feel the need of it, we would seek for it. Not that we do not need, we do not feel the need, we feel we can substitute it with so many other things in life - which  invariably ends in a failure!

The Word of the Lord contains life, life in its fullness... let us make it a sincere habit to search for the Word, be nourished by it, and long for it!

IN or OUT - it's your choice!

Thursday, 13th week in Ordinary Time

July 5, 2018: Amos 7: 10-17; Mt 9: 1-8

The Word today presents to us varied pictures of people going in and out : in to captivity, out of slavery to sin, in to their own doom, out of disease and handicaps... but the choice was always theirs.  

It is the same with us today: we can choose to remain in our weakness and godlessness, satisfied with little we have. The Lord has so much in store which we miss entirely because of our stubbornness. 

I am reminded of that picture that is quite popular... a little girl with her tiny doll refusing to give it to Jesus kneeling before her. She is totally unaware of the jumbo size teddy doll that Jesus is holding behind his back, all for her! 

What is my choice: holding on to the little I know or allowing the Lord to lead me by hand, teach me everyday and enrich me with his wholeness?