Saturday, January 28, 2017


Keep Calm; Keep Faith

Celebrating St.   Thomas Aquinas -28th  Jan, 2017 
Heb 11: 1-2,8-19; Mk 4: 34-41

One of the clearest signs of faith in a person is given today: Keeping calm! To keep calm when everything is under control is no great feat, though even that is getting into the list of rarities. Keeping calm under pressure situations and situations of trouble is the true test of faith. 

The Saint we celebrate today was a great exponent of Christian faith and a person who loved the Lord and grew in that love without ceasing. We are called to grow in our faith, In our way of feeling connected to God, In our consciousness of the presence of God with us. 

These are the qualities that can help us keep today's readings tell us. I can keep calm, if...

- I consider God someone close to me
- I am convinced that everything that is happening in my life is known to God
- it doesn't matter what's happening, I am convinced that God is in-charge!