Thursday, February 20, 2020

Live what you believe!

WORD 2day: Friday, 6th week in Ordinary time

February 21, 2020: James 2:14-24,26; Mark 8:34 -9:1

"There are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Reign of God come in power!" The Reign of God coming in power...when does this happen? It happens when faith and works unite in one single act of living. As long as that "faith-works" divide, translated as 'religiosity-social concern' conflict or 'contemplation-action' controversy or 'personal salvation-social commitment' confusion, still exists the Reign of God will be a mere talk. 

Every now and then, Pope Francis appeals to the whole world, not to be satisfied with policies and principles, laws and legalities, regulations and sanctions, but to get down to daily living and build a world of fraternity, it was the same claim as James: faith without works is dead! What we believe has to be lived. 

To take up the Cross and follow in Christ's steps, is not an easy decision. But there is nothing less than that expected of us. Jesus is categorical - If anyone wants to follow me, let him or her do this. When the gap between what we believe and live, the distance between what I preach and practice, the space between the private life and the public manifestation, become lesser and lesser, the Reign of God grows stronger and stronger. There can be no threat more powerful than this to the corrupt world order!

Hope we see, and hope more that we could make it happen, that the Reign of God come in power, right amidst us!