Saturday, June 6, 2015

WORD 2day: 6th June, 2015


Saturday, 9th week in  Ordinary time
Tob 12: 1, 5-15, 20; Mk 12: 38-44

St. John Bosco, a great apostle of the young in devising his method of working with the young, used what his mother Margaret taught him always at home when he was a boy: God Sees You, she used to often repeat.Don Bosco, later in the Oratory while living with those street kids and rest of the ruffian friends of his, wrote this truth in prominent places and instilled that feeling in his boys.

The readings today seem to hint at this truth and call our attention to living our life conscientiously. The widow never realised that Jesus was looking at her, and praising her act in front of his disciples. But Jesus saw her, saw what she did, and more that that saw what she was - the mind and the heart behind the 2 pences that were dropped in the box. Tobit, or even Tobiah, did not realise that the one who accompanied on the way was the Angel of God, the hand of God, the extension of God's presence. But God was there looking at everything that they were going through and the way they were living their life.

It is not pleasing the eyes of those around us, establishing a name among our fellow beings, publicising our goodness and generosity and things of that sort that will give us true and lasting happiness. it is only the watchful and undeceived eyes of God that see us, that will grant us meaning in life. It is a beautiful childlike spirituality to live mindful of the fact that GOD SEES YOU.