Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Kingdom Task: Renounce the deceitful tongue

Tuesday, Third week of Advent, 2016
Zep 3:1-2,9-13; Mt 21:28-32

What is so serious about a deceitful tongue? And is it deceitful to say a lie? Why is it regarded so unkingdomly? 

Just go deeper and reflect, why do we say lies? Is it not to win the favour of those around? Winning the favour of human beings works against winning the favour of God and God's kingdom. Let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no', anything more than that comes from the evil one, said the Lord (Mt 5:37). Seeking human favour leads to compromises, loss of dignity and loss of identity as children of God. How then can we belong to the Kingdom of God?


Kingdom Task:  Acknowledge the Doings of the Lord

Wednesday,  Third week in Advent, 2016

Is 45: 6-8,18,21-25; Lk 7:18-23

The question that John asks today... is that you Lord?... has always been there in history.  When there is an untoward happening, we readily attribute it to God  and complain. When some thing good happens we tend to take the credit totally to ourselves and bloat in our ego. The Kingdom will  come only when we are ready to let it come,  only when we as one human community wish to have it amidst us.  As long as we do not acknowledge the goodness of the Lord and the awesome doings of the Lord,  the Kingdom hardly has any chance.